Buying any pet is a big commitment. Careful consideration should be given to the type of pet that would match your lifestyle. If you are an active person going on super long walks then you might suit a dog that needs lots of exercise. If you are homely and spend lots of time at home a cat might be the better pet for you. There are also caged animals to consider that might be the pet for you and your family. If you are considering buying a hamster this is the blog for you. I’m going to share exactly what you need to buy for a pet hamster.
A Good Size Cage

There are lots of cages available to buy for hamsters. Many of these are way too small. It is recommended that a hamster should have a minimum floor space of 80cm x 50cm.
Whilst you might have seen lots of wire cages in the shops, also consider buying a glass tank. Tanks make great cages for hamsters as they provide lots of floor space and room to explore.
Hamster Carry Cage
You will need something safe to bring you hamster home in. If you purchase your hamster from a pet shop they will pop your hamster in a small cardboard box. We have found from experience that little hamsters can soon escape the box.
A Hamster carry cage is the perfect way to collect your hamster and take them home.

Hamster Food

There are lots of brands of hamster food available. Be sure to chose one that provides the nutrients they need. If you buy a hamster food brand and your hamster doesn’t eat it then try a different brand. Hamsters can sometimes be fussy.
Food Bowls

Hamsters don’t eat loads of food so they don’t need huge food bowls. Large bowls will just encourage your hamster to kick out the food and make a mess in their cage. Choose a nice small ceramic food bowl. There are some really cute ones that will look nice in the cage.
Fresh Water

Hamster should have a supply of fresh water at all times. A small bottle attached to the side of the cage or a bottle in a bottle holder will be perfect for your little hamster.
Wooden Houses

Hamsters love hiding and getting all covered up so providing a house for them to sleep in will be perfect. There are lots of different houses available. I always liked to chose one that gave the hamster room inside to move about.

Hamsters love digging and foraging so adding a nice thick layer of sawdust is the perfect solution.
Hamster Bedding

You are able to buy lots of types of hamster bedding, some are paper some are fluffy. I personally liked the bedding shown above. It lasted a long time and it was really soft for the hamster to get snuggled up in.
Hamster Wheel

As hamsters are nocturnal, they become super active during the night. It is thought that a hamster can run up to 5.6 miles in a night.
With this in mind it is important to have a really good sized wheel for them to run on. The wheel we had was a 28cm wheel. A wheel that is too small can cause stress, injury or pain for your hamster
Hamster Boredom Breaker Toys

Adding treats into hamster toys can provide great stimulation for them. hamsters love foraging about so they love having to hunt for food and treats.
Boredom Breaker toys are great for hamsters and can be used during playtime away from their cage.

Tunnels are great for hamsters as they love to hide and run through them. A bendy tunnel like the one above can be perfect as you can keep changing the shape as well as altering the length. Plus it offers a great hiding spot for your little hamster to hide in.
Wooden Climbing Toys

As hamsters love to climb buying wooden toys are great for them to climb on and run through. They are also great for your hamster to gnaw on.
Handmade Climbing toys

You don’t have to always spend out on hamster toys you can make your own. We had great fun making hamster toys from toilet tubes and wooden lolly pop sticks.
Hamster Potty and Potty litter

A potty and potty litter are an optional extra but I found that after a week or so of the potty being in the cage the hamster did start to use it.
It saves time (sawdust and bedding) when cleaning the cage as when it starts to smell you can just change the litter.
Hamster Play Pen

Hamsters love time out of their cages exploring. Playpens are perfect to keep the hamster safe and to be able to interact with them.

This is also a great way for your hamster to use the hamster treat balls as well as any other climbing toys you may have that don’t fit in the cage. Playpens can be material or can be an octagon shape metal playpen.
Sand Bath and Sand

Some hamster love sand baths, some are not too fussed. Certain types of hamsters prefer sand baths more than others do. We had a sand bath for our hamsters that we occasionally popped in the play pen during play time. There are various types of sand that are available that are safe for hamsters to use.
Grooming Kit

Grooming kits are really useful especially if you have a long haired hamster.
Now you are well informed as what you require for your hamster, all you need now is to chose a cute little hamster to brig home and love.
I hope you enjoyed my blog and become the proud owner of a cute little happy hamster.
See you soon x