Welcome to About Us

Let me start of by saying Welcome to About us, a place you will find out more about us all. Being Mrs Z is a blog that I have decided to write to share real life issues that as a family of 7 we have to deal with. These can be on a daily or weekly basis. My blog will include day-to-day issues, toy/product reviews, things we make, days out, issues we encounter when trying to find holiday accommodation and much more.

As well as writing this blog I also run my little business from home where I make and sell personalised gifts. I’m going to be sharing with you the items I make and sell in my Etsy and Ebay shops. Also i will share how we come up with our ideas and the problems we face running a business from home. Although running a business from home can have its downfalls like always feeling like you are at work it also holds many benefits like always being at home for the boys and never missing a school activity. I want my blog to be a true representation of our life and all it throws at us.

Meet my family


As Mum I am the one that keeps the whole house running smoothly. If it wasn’t for me my boys would be in a real mess! 

Being mum to all boys is amazing and it certainly keeps life interesting.  I also love my job working from home. It allows me to work but still have the flexibility I need. I love cooking and making cakes but I don’t really have a lot of time for that at the moment. If I am lucky enough to have a bit of spare time I like to spend it making things with the kids. I love holidays and days out and just making memories really. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the kids happy and loving life x


Dad of the family and he’s a bit of a joker at times too, Shane is always up for a laugh. Shane has a love of military planes that was born through working on the Harrier Flight Simulator. This work was carried for many years before it was decommissioned. Shane also works from home working on many different projects involving electronics and Augmented Reality. He is the computer wizz and teaches me everything I need to know about creating new products and turns my sometimes crazy ideas into a real product. Shane also loves teaching the kids life skills like removing car/van engines and fixing bikes. A serious amount of time gets spent fixing punctures on the boys bikes. Shane likes to keep up to date with the latest technology and is always on the look out for new gadgets to try out. As Shane has a background in electronics and often posts videos on YouTube under his channel name Electronics Loop, pop over and take a look.


Born 2001. Being the oldest of the boys Kieran is turning out to be a smashing, polite and funny lad. On this basis I guess we have not done too badly at all. Kieran is currently working whilst trying to carve out a career in Photography. Kieran really enjoys photography and making YouTube videos about different photography and film production skills, equipment and techniques. He has made some really good videos and I will post some of these on my blog. This might help to promote his YouTube channel too, which is called Kieran Turner. Kieran also likes going out socialising with his friends and going bowling or to the cinema. When he takes time away from expanding his vast knowledge of everything film and photography.


Born 2007: Alex is a very fun loving boy who like his dad loves military planes. Like all boys Alex loves all the usual things that boys like such as playing computer games and his Xbox. He also loves trying out new tricks on his BMX. Alex has a great sense of humour and loves practicing card tricks and magic as well as pranking us all. In his spare time Alex likes model making and loves making models of planes and helicopters. Alex also quite likes cooking and is keen to help out in the kitchen. Recently Alex has taken an interest in Video editing and has been making videos for YouTube that he can edit. Alex is very sociable with a very caring personality and gets on with everyone he meets.  School is a big hit with Alex and he has many friends.


Born 2009: Out of all the boys Ben is the most determined to be the best and can be a perfectionist at times (he gets that from his Dad). Ben has recently shown a massive interest in photography. To be fair to him he takes some pretty good pictures for a kid! All Ben’s photos are posted on an Instagram account he has which is called bzbolham. Head over and take a look as he really has an eye for detail. Ben loves playing on his Xbox and loves riding his BMX with Alex. Ben also really enjoys reading, writing and drawing. Again Ben is a very loveable boy and he is also popular at school with lots of friends.


Born 2011: Jay is by far the quietest of the bunch. He is very self-sufficient and loves his own company just as much as he loves all our company. Jay is really funny and friendly with a real sense of adventure. Minecraft (as well as other games) are a favourite for Jay to play on his Xbox. Just recently Jay was really pleased to have learnt how to write commands to create things on his worlds. Jay is very creative and is very intrigued by gadgets and machines taking great interest in how they work. You will often find Jay sat designing machines which he then builds on his Minecraft worlds, they are pretty impressive. Recently Jay has shown an interest in Electronics which he learns from Shane. Together they really love trying out experiments. Going to the beach and riding his bike are a few of the things Jay loves to do. Another skill Jay has is roller blading.


born 2014: Max may be the baby of the family but he makes up for that with his personality. He loves playing with his brothers and he can do anything they can! Minecraft has another fan and you will often catch Max playing and he will watch Jay for tips and tricks. Max has recently started full time school and he absolutely loves it. Like Ben, Max also loves reading, writing and drawing and is getting really good at it. Being outdoors and at the beach is something Max loves to do, he also loves riding his bike. Max is super loveable with a caring personality.

The Boys have a YouTube channel called Little Brothers’ Studio so feel free to pop over take a look and hopefully like and subscribe.

My YouTube channel is called Being Mrs Z where i will be posting craft videos and other bits and bobs.

If you are interested in what we get up to you might be interested to read Our Weekend in Blackpool.