8 Things Productive People Do On A Sunday

Do you always feel like everyone else has their life together, but you don’t? Why is it some people are naturally more organised than others? Well the truth is no one has it together anymore than the next person. We can all be that bit more organised by taking small steps towards being organised and productive. In this blog I will share with you 8 Things Productive People Do On A Sunday.

Clean all the kitchen

A nice clean and uncluttered kitchen with a vase of flowers on the side

Having a good clean of all the kitchen can make a big difference to how you feel. I like to pull everything out and have a good old clean of all the worktops.

If your kitchen is anything like ours, then through the week stuff gets dumped everywhere, life can be busy. The odd tin or jar gets left out after shopping, school letters get scattered about, it can soon become a mess. Declutter all the mess, put items away where they belong and you will soon have a lovely clean, fresh smelling kitchen ready to start the week.

Tidy The Fridge

Juice and vitamins in a fridge door compartment.

Oh my gosh you do not want to see our fridge by the end of the week! half eaten packets of food, empty boxes left in there, spillages and not to mention out of date food.

Nothing beats having a real good sort and clean of the fridge (and freezer). I take all the shelves and drawers out and wash them. Check all the dates on food and remove any empty boxes whilst condensing as much as possible.

I also pay close attention to any loose fruit and veg in the fridge that may be past its best.

Meal Plan

Now i have a nice clean, tidy fridge I can see what’s left and what needs using up. This allows me start to plan my meals for the week and making a list of what I need to buy. Having a good sort out of the fridge, freezer and cupboards stops me overbuying food items I already have. Planning meals to use up food that could be close to their used by date is a great way to save wasting any food.

Plan the week

Whether you work from home or work for somebody else it is always good to plan your week out. This could include appointments, school events if you have children, and family occasions.

I like to have a good idea of anything that is happening that week as this allows me to plan my work schedule to fit in and still be where I need to be.

Check if kids need anything for school

From my experience schools can be quite last minute at informing parents about up and coming events. This has often taken me by surprise and has meant that I have had to rearrange my schedule to allow me to attend the event.

Checking emails, school letters and organisers (if they have one) is a great way to find out if your children have any planned events, dress up days or changes to pe lessons.

Check any payments/ Direct Debit’s that need paying

I think it is always good to have a quick check on my bank accounts and make sure there are funds in my accounts to cover any payments that are due to be paid that week. It is also a great way to make sure that you have not been overcharged for anything you have bought.

I also like to make sure that my Direct debits are all correct. Make sure they are only collecting the amount you think they should be collecting. Companies can be crafty at increasing the price. If you have recently cancelled any direct debits or payments, it’s also good to check that they are cancelled and no money has been taken for them.

Sort Clothes/ kids school uniform

A clothes rail of brightly coloured clothes that are hanging on coat hangers. The room is neutral colour with a chair and small table

If you want to be really organised then why not sort out all your clothes for the week. Maybe you could have a draw or space in your wardrobe where you could line up all your planned outfits for the week.

This is also great to do with kids school uniform. Anything that can make mornings or evening run smoothly is a bonus. Sorting clothes in advance is a great way to be super organised.

Go to bed early

Get yourself to bed early. After a busy week and a new week about to begin you need to be well rested. Try and get a good night sleep so you are ready to face whatever the new week throws in your direction.

If you enjoyed this blog on 8 things productive people do on a Sunday, then please check out my other blogs

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